Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Evolution of Foreign & Second language Education

By Jill Kerper Mora, Ed.D. San Diego State University

Contributions of other disciplines to foreign and second language teaching

Description of the components and structure of language: Phonology, Morphology, Syntax,    Grammar, Lexicon; Discourse analysis; Concept of language universals and Surface vs. deep structure of language.

Understanding of the process of language acquisition in a first and second language; Competence vs. performance; Affective variables in language learning; Cognitive strategies of language learners; Effects of bilingualism on cognitive development.
Perception of the total language environment:  Communication & the functions of language; Cultural factors that influence language learning; Social and interpersonal language learning variables; Studies of language variations, language prestige and bilingualism in social contexts.
Educational psychology
Understanding of self-esteem and motivation in students; Sequential nature of language learning; Theories of cognitive development and learning strategies; Elements of sound curriculum design; Characteristics of effective teaching.

Classical period
EDUCATION AS AN ARM OF THE THEOCRACY: Purpose of education to teach religious orthodoxy and good moral character.
EMPHASIS ON LEARNING TO READ & WRITE: Little importance placed on higher education.
LATIN GRAMMAR SCHOOL: Latin and Greek learned to understand the Holy Scriptures.
MODERN LANGUAGES: Learned by studying abroad or from private tutors.

American Revolution to the civil war
THE AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT: Expanding trade and commerce.
CULTURAL NATIONALISM: Careers available in book-keeping and foreign trade for children of the upper-class.
SECULAR CONTROL OF EDUCATION: Emergence of academies & high schools.
MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING: Begins in mid-eighteen century. Considered a "frill" subject; not enough of a "mental discipline"

The "Boom Period"--Civil War to World War I
TAX-SUPPORTED PUBLIC EDUCATION: Decline of private academies.
DECLINE IN LATIN & CLASSICAL STUDIES: German & French the most popular languages.
DOMINANCE OF TRADITIONAL METHODS: Emphasis on memorization and grammar-translation methods; reading a foreign language.
ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (MLA) IN 1883: Stressed need for L2 study as intellectual discipline.
EMERGENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY AS A SCIENCE: Psychological theory and practice influence teaching methods and learning theory.
INTRODUCTION OF THE "DIRECT METHOD": Role of L1 in L2 learning reassessed.

World War I to 1952
POST-WAR ISOLATIONISM: Disillusion with American omnipotence in world affairs, failure of the League of Nations.
GOAL TO EDUCATE ALL AMERICA'S CHILDREN: Focus away from education of the elite; foreign language study only for the "college bound"; "Life-adjustment" and "progressive" education.
THE "MELTING POT": Assimilation or "Americanization" of immigrants stressed as the role of the public schools.
EMERGENCE OF CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY & LINGUISTICS: Leonard Bloomfield criticizes L2 methodologies; declares "primacy of oral language".
BEHAVIORISM: B.F. Skinner and Verbal Behavior; stimulus-response learning theory; emphasis on scientific methods of observation
1950’s Trends that last into 1960'S
AGE OF MATERIAL COMFORT & PSYCHOLOGICAL DISCOMFORT: Era of bomb shelters, "hippies", rise of subcultures, the "Great Society".
EXPANDING ACADEMIC, VOCATIONAL & GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS: Public schools see as the vehicle for progress and social change.
NEW APPROACHES TO TEACHING: Team teaching; non-graded classes; open classrooms; individualized instruction; programmed instruction; flexible and "core curriculum" scheduling.
THE AUDIOLINGUAL METHOD: A marriage of Stimulus-Response (B.F. Skinner) learning theory and linguistics.
RISE AND FALL OF MEDIA AND COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY: Diffusion and later "abandonment" of the language laboratory; growing expansion of technology.
Expounds on how expanding global interests of the United States require people who are multilingual and multicultural for business, industry, foreign relations and education.
1957 - LAUNCH OF THE RUSSIAN SPUTNIK: Resulted in the National Defense Education Act in 1958.
1957 - CHOMSKY'S SYNTACTIC STRUCTURES: Emergence of generative-transformational grammar; the competence/performance distinction
The 1960’s Wedding of disciplines
1964--PENFIELD'S THE UNCOMMITTED CORTEX: Emergence of psycholinguistic theory and interest in childhood vs. adult bilingualism.
EMERGENCE OF ECLECTICISM: The "great debate" over L2 methods resulting from disillusion with audio-lingual method; impact of cognitive psychology; examination of L2 teaching "mythology".
COMPETENCY-BASED EDUCATION: Age of social engineering; emergence of the behavioral objective & Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive and affective objectives.
RISE OF HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY: Student-centered classrooms; explorations in values education; cognitive styles; attitudes & motivation; group dynamics.
"BACK-TO-THE-BASICS" MOVEMENT: Disassembling of "innovations"; emphasis on "accountability"; reforms in teacher education to emphasize knowledge of subject matter vs. pedagogy
ABOLITION OF LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS: De-emphasis of grammar instruction; focus on pragmatic L2 instruction & communicative competence.
INCORPORATION OF RESEARCH FINDINGS IN L2 THEORY & TEACHING: Examination of the nature of language proficiency in varying contexts.

Language Education 1970 to the present
THE BILINGUAL EDUCATION ACT OF 1968 & 1974: (Title VII) & Lau v. Nichols. Emphasis on second vs. foreign language studies. Rise of Paolo Freire’s critical pedagogy; cultural pluralism; acculturation; multicultural education. Focus on teaching L2 culture in the classroom.
EMERGENCE OF NEW METHODOLOGIES & CURRICULUM MODELS: Innovative methods include the Natural or Communicative Approach; Social-therapeutic orientations such as Community Learning, Suggestopedia; the Notional-Functional Syllabus.
"ICEBERGS" & "BALLOONS": Theorists link cognitive and linguistic development and explain bilingual language development and competence.
SHIFT IN EMPHASIS TO LITERACY AND CONTENT AREA INSTRUCTION: Constructivist theory leads to Whole Language Movement and renewed study of the role of language proficiency in reading & writing; Methods focus on integration of language and content area teaching such as Sheltered English, SDAIE, English Language Development; Integrated Thematic Instruction.
ENGLISH-ONLY VERSUS ENGLISH PLUS MOVEMENTS: Heated debate in political arenas and the public sector over the role of foreign languages and bilingualism in American society; Emergence of Immersion vs. transitional and two-way bilingual education models. Rise of the English-only Movement; Proposition 227 in California virtually eliminates bilingual education programs; "Sheltered Immersion" becomes the state- mandated model of instruction.

Chastain, K. (1976). Developing Second-language Skills: Theory to Practice. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally College Publishing.
Brown, H.D. (1980). Principles of Language Learning & Teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Diaz-Rico, L.T. & Weed, K.Z. (1995). The Cross-cultural Language and Academic Development Handbook. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

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